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J&P Group > Administrative

at JandP.biz

Miscellaneous information of more administrative nature around this web site (primarily) and J&P Group operations (secondarily).

Table of Contents (TOC)


Introduction <TOC>

J&P Group was informally established in 1997 but for multiple years was more low-key operations. In 2004 we reserved the JandP.biz domain and a new era begun.

From the 90's, when the internet-presence was hosted as part of another web site, up to 2008, the dominating page-layout technology was HTML Frames. In November of 2008, we started using CSS - based Frames (below).


CSS Frames, Nov 2008 <TOC>

The URL you get is what you'll see - no http://jandp.biz/..../index.shtml?http://jandp.biz/..../main.shtml.

This section uses Nov 08 CSS Frames.