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* Introduction
* Windows Workgroup - Setting/Changing
* Connect to Windows Share




J&P Group > J&P InfoSol > Technologies > Mac > Windows

(on Mac, sharing - networking, ...)

Miscellaneous notes around using Macs and MS Windows PCs in the same network - file sharing, ...

Table of Contents (TOC)


Introduction <TOC>

Miscellaneous notes related to sharing information between Macs and Windows PCs.

General sources:


Windows Workgroup <TOC>

... make sure your workgroup names are exactly the same on both computers ...

From Mac OS X: Setting up Windows File Sharing - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1812

Specify the Windows workgroup name

The default Mac OS X SMB workgroup name is "WORKGROUP". If you did a custom installation of Mac OS X and deselected the BSD Subsystem, you may not be able to change your workgroup name, which may prevent you from sharing. This is not an issue if you did a standard installation. If necessary, reinstall Mac OS X 10.2 with the BSD Subsystem selected.

If you are sharing files between Mac and PC, make sure your workgroup names are exactly the same on both computers.

Step-by-step (J&P):

  1. Apple menu > System Preferences... > Network section
  2. For network configuration(s) you are - or will be - using that shall allow Windows file sharing:
    Press the Advanced... button to the lower right (system prefs OS X 10.5)
  3. Press the WINS tab
  4. Enter Workgroup name as used in your network - as configured on Windows machines (default is 'workgroup').


Connect to Windows Share <TOC>

From Mac OS X 10.1 or later: How to Connect to Windows File Sharing (SMB) - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1568. Syntax:



Universal Naming Convention (UNC) <TOC>

\\server\share smb://server/share
\\server\share\dirpath smb://server/share/dirpath    
\\server\share\dirpath\file smb://server/share/dirpath/file    


From http://markmail.org/message/vfsr6g6oz5rrj64h R:2009-01-18

"Michael B. Allen" wrote:

Chris and friends have had a little side discussion on the SMB URL syntax; he is writing an IETF draft on the topic. During the course of things I thought workgroups might be handled differently so I scribbled down yet another scheme. It is not really that different from what has been discussed previously on this list, except in how workgroups are handled; smb:// lists servers of a 'preferred workgroup' and 'smb://..' lists all available workgroups. Chris didn't have much to say about it and I'm not sure what I think but it seems to make good sense so I am submitting it here for comments.

Chris has been desperately trying to keep up with his workload. Your ideas deserved a lot more of my attention but I noticed some time this weekend that my brain was doing a whole heck of a lot of page faulting. Fwoob.

BTW: The jCIFS project has implemented the *previously described* SMB URL syntax in full. The SmbShell example program that comes with the jcifs-0.5dev1 archive allows one to 'cd' around workgroups, shares, and servers. Kinda neat, requires Java 2.

I hope people will start to play with this rev soon.

Yet Another SMB URL Syntax

The semantics of using workgroups within an smb:// URL is problematic. There's no doubt about that. The tragedy is that workgroups are rarely used in this context; they are only useful for "browsing" with shell interfaces. And yet we must corrupt the URL syntax and our code to support it. For this reason I would like to purpose yet another smb:// URL syntax.

Quick comments. The only use of the browse list of which I am aware is the Network Neighborhood icon on Windows boxes. I am sure that there are others, but I have not stumbled across them. Anyway, my sense is that workgroups are most commonly used in a graphical environment. The SMB URL scheme will make it easier to use workgroups in a text-based shell, but I still see them used in things like web browsers.

Regarding the problematic characteristics of adding workgroup browsing support to the URL. Yes, absolutely. If the SMB URL handled only SMB servers, shares, and paths there would be no problem. In fact, the SMB URL maps pretty nicely to the DOS UNC format:

UNC FORM URL FORM \\server\share smb://server/share \\server\share\dirpath smb://server/share/dirpath \\server\share\dirpath\file smb://server/share/dirpath/file

Not bad. The SMB URL also adds the form smb://server/ to identify an SMB server...and this is a key point. If the server field contains an SMB Server Service name, then smb://server/ clearly indicates that SMB server. The utility of this form is to request a list of shares from the SMB Server Service.

The key principle is to push the handling of workgroups out of the scheme as much as possible by shifting the meaning of components up the hierarchy but in a way that still provides for the listing of all available workgroups. This is accomplished by, at first conceptually, stating clearly that there are *two* separate scheme levels; one to support the most common and intuitive usage, and the other to add support for workgroups.

In other words, we want to overload the SMB URL scheme. In addition to using the SMB URL scheme to identify Server Service servers, shares, and paths we also want it to be able to use it to access the browser service. This allows us to retrieve the browse list. Note that there are two levels within the browse list. There is the list of all workgroups available on the local LAN, and there is the list of all servers available within a workgroup.

Mike's point, if I may be so bold, is that this overloading of the SMB URL syntax is problematic and that one way to handle the problems that come up is to try and separate the Server Service and the Browser Service syntactically within the URL scheme.

More on this below.

The Level 1 Scheme

The level 1 scheme accommodates the most common usage of smb:// URLs which would be within configuration files, as an argument to a program, or similar to address an SMB resource.

Level 1 Syntax:


This simple syntax would support most users needs. However, it is widely anticipated that the ability to enumerate files and even shares of a server should be enabled by making the path and share components optional. Thus we just add brackets to get:


As a result of leaving off these components the following would:

smb://server enumerate shares smb://server/share enumerate directories and files

One major problem with supporting workgroups is shell oriented behavior and the semantics of relative URL manipulation. For example one might traverse the resource hierarchy like:

smb://server + share --> smb://server/share smb://server/share + path --> smb://server/share/path

and back up with:

smb://server/share/path + .. --> smb://server/share smb://server/share + .. --> smb://server smb://server + .. --> smb://server

Note this last traversal would reach the root because smb:// alone is an illegal level 1 scheme URL.

Agreed, basically, though I note that if I type the string


into my web browser the server sends back an error message. Thus, in practice, http://server + .. --> http:// which results in an error. Minor point.

Note that Mike's Level 1 represents URL representation of the Server Service. Level 2, below, is his method for adding workgroup support to the scheme.

The Level 2 Scheme

The level 2 smb:// URL scheme provides for the usage of workgroups to list the servers of a workgroup and all accessible workgroups of the network (much like the popular "Network Neighborhood" shell interface does). To ease the transition from the level 1 scheme to the level 2 scheme a hidden 'workgroup' parameter is employed. This parameter may be NULL or it may be initialized to the hosts preferred workgroup.

Level 2 Syntax:

The level 2 syntax is broken into two specifications to improve readability and emphasize the separation of workgroups from the level 1 scheme. This first specification looks much like the level 1 syntax however makes the server component optional.


Leaving off components now has the following behavior:

smb://server enumerate shares smb:// enumerate servers of the preferred workgroup

The second specification is simply:


Notice this overloads the server component (programmatically this requires querying for both the 0x20 and 0x1D names, preferably concurrently, to determine if the component is a server or a workgroup). This usage of workgroup should:

smb://workgroup enumerate servers of the workgroup

This begs the question of how to enumerate all available workgroups? The answer is:


So the problematic listing of workgroups has been pushed out of the equation above the root of the URL hierarchy effectively shifting everything up to be more congruent with traditional URL semantics. Notice smb:// more naturally lists servers of the preferred workgroup rather than workgroups. To be complete, if the preferred workgroup property is NULL, both smb://.. and smb:// will list all available workgroups.

Traversing the level 2 scheme hierarchy is as follows:

smb:// + server --> smb://server smb:// + workgroup --> smb://workgroup smb://workgroup + server --> smb://server smb://server + share --> smb://server/share

and back up with:

smb://server/share + .. --> smb://server smb://server + .. --> smb:// smb:// + .. --> smb://.. -canonicalize-> smb://

Notice this last case is contextual. It is determined during canonicalization that the intention is to list all available workgroups. In this way the smb://.. URL reduces to the case as well.

Okay here's how it boils down...

The *only* real differences between Mike's proposal and the one that we came up with last January is the use of default (preferred) workgroup.

In the original scheme, the form


indicated the root of the hierarchy and, therefore, would be used to request a list of available workgroups. Also, as in Mike's scheme, the form


would be used to list the servers in the specified workgroup.

In Mike's scheme, the forms

smb:// smb://..

would be used to indicate the default workgroup and the list of all workgroups, respectively.

I think that this syntax is more complex than the original. Here's why:

- If the default (preferred) workgroup is NULL, then the smb:// form either has no meaning or reverts to meaning the list of all workgroups. This seems inconsistent.

- The form smb://.. may be pre-parsed by existing URL parsing code. As a result, the underlying SMB implementation (in, say, a web browser or other software that deals with multiple URL types) may not get the original string. The string "smb://.." would likely be converted to "smb://", for example.

- Using the definitions in RFC 2396, the form "smb://" is an "absolute" URL. It is also the root of the SMB URL hierarchy. Thus, I believe that the correct interpretation of "smb://" is as the root of the SMB server space. I personally feel that the root of the SMB server space should be the list of all workgroups, rather than a preferred workgroup.

- None of this precludes the use of a user-configurable preferred workgroup. Applications can use the preferred workgroup as a default starting place, much as web browsers use the "home" page as a default starting place. The Network Neighborhood also uses the local system's workgroup as a default starting place for workgroup browsing.

Chris -)-----


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